Lockdown Fever Then!

When the doors are closed, the windows are always open. So, let us look outside from inside. This lockdown may be nightmare for many of us but blessing in disguise for those who live the real life. It is the time to unlock ourselves inside out. It is the time we explore what is really Inside. Inside our house. Inside our garden. Inside our community. Inside our country and most importantly inside our Mind. 

Is our house clean enough to be safe from any common diseases not to mention the deadly Virus called COVID-19 which has paralyzed the whole World? Does our house qualify to be called as Home with love and peace within? For we are guided by the philosophy of Gross National Happiness. Do we have some flowers in the garden to beautify our surrounding? Do we have some fruits and vegetables at least for self consumption? If not our National goal for self sufficiency would remain as far dream. Does our community have same goal and mindset? Or do we simply leave it to the elected Local Government Leaders? We are fortunate Bhutanese under the leadership of our visionary Monarchs and dynamic leaders. Our country is the only Carbon Negative Country in the World which is our pride in all times to come. Our small country has handled this COVID-19 pandemic efficiently while most of the powerful nations  struggled.

The National lockdown was like a relief period for us unlike in other unfortunate countries. Few of us might have stranded in other places but our relatives and friends would be more than happy for the uninvited guest. Further, the government explored the alternatives of reaching out to the stranded people. What could we expect more than the essential goods and medical services delivered at our door steps. Do we really needed our frontline workers who were constantly safe guarding the porous border to simultaneously monitor us in those lockdown when there was a clear instruction from the government?. We had the easiest job in hand then to follow the lockdown protocols by staying at home. Where is our integrity as proud Bhutanese? It wss the time to reflect on old cliche of Being Human and Human Being. It is our mindset who we really are. It is the inner seeking that unfolds the purpose of life be it in worldly or spiritual path. 

While in the lockdowns, let me tell you the inside story of my garden besides fruits and vegetables in it. The Asian Koel often keeps on visiting my kitchen garden among many other feathered beauties. Bird watching has fascinated me over the years to feel the Nature closely. Some research concluded that bird watching helps mental stability. Some relate to meditation and this is an intriguing facts that I have come across my Birding journey. Yes to me it is more than just watching as one will be engrossed in the beauty of it. It develops patience with our mind constantly at the present moment which is one basic fact of meditation if I am not wrong. The breathe you hold to capture the birds in your frame after waiting them for minutes to hours is another fact of building the patience and breathing practice. Above all one shall begin to feel the real life with Nature. 

Let me share some metaphor of our life with this beauty. This brood parasite beauty sings aloud in Spring to Summer and becomes silent in Winter. Brood parasitism unfortunately happens in human too resulted due to unsuccessful marriage and divorce. It is a sad reality of human being. Where is that bond of love and promises that ended up to be a soul mate. Need to reflect on the cliche “Marriages are made in Heaven and solemnized on Earth”. The female birds are dull usually unlike male which are colorful and alluring. However, this beauty is exceptional with dark brown and white patches making colorful to her male partner which are in metallic black. While in humans its just an opposite make up where woman need to be more colorful and beautiful for a man who may soon turn to be the beast. Do we really need a beautiful face or beautiful heart to be a good human being?

They have time for everything right from mating to sleeping while we humans have jeopardized the whole system. We eat wrong food and we drink intoxicated water  after knowing the consequences. We are awake at night with an excuse of busy urban life and sleep the whole day. If we go to bed and rise at the same time bird does, most of us can lead a blissful life. They are so much synced with Nature and it’s existence but we humans are always against the Nature  in many ways. It’s is their ability to coexist so well in Nature where there is a possibility for human too. We need to cultivate our inner mind to coexist with nature and finally to find our own Human Nature.


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