Pugli River-River Pugli!


Thy name be perfect pronounced,
For thou art manifest in profound.
Seasons seldom thee visit plains,
Yet thee never cease to flow again!

Thy presence significant for ages,
Though thou course took changes.
Thee kept thy promise for eternal,
For thou art exist pure and natural!

Alas no more is thy fresh channel,
Those that carried alluvial mineral.
No more is those fertile paddy field,
For there stand tall wall without yield!

Insecure we became with thy purity,
By our greed and lack of true clarity,
For thy source exploited to destiny,
Fools we are to claim for economy!

Thy banks and beds are unearthed,
Reason we spell to tame thy wrath,
Like vultures in the carcass we feed,
Defending we are with our own creed!

Thy creation of those giant mountains,
Will soon lose its natural fountains,
For thou art been disturbed permanently,
And never again that be so heavenly!

Thee exists just by thy name for plenty,
For only few know thy eternal  beauty.
Taking a walk by thy side is romantic,
As thy little waves sound so fantastic!

Those algae’s fresh smell up to nostrils,
Like aroma of love that my heart thrills.
Tiny aquatic lives thee braces in thine,
Along with birds around thrive like mine!

Thee possess all qualities one may own,

But no one behold thy true value beyond.

Thy life at source we take in each droplet,

More precious thy drop to diamond bracelet!

Thy beds are being cozy yet thee can’t sleep,

For we made it into bleak vast drain so deep.

Thou art beautiful in all for it would be history,

Thee shall someday undeniably wakeup in glory! 


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