Kitchen Gardening- Part I


Kitchen gardening is not only my hobby but it is where I was raised from by my humble parents. They told me, “This is what we do for a living”, when I was young to understand the matter. Yes, now I fully understand that human need food for survival not stones.

If there are any spices in the garden of a farmer, it would be Ginger next to chillies and other vegetables. One would not miss it especially in Rai’s garden for it plays vital role for their Shaman. It serves more value in the power of his mantra than simply a spice for all. The myth of people’s fingers and limbs getting bend after entering Rai’s ginger garden need deeper knowledge of the experts like Shaman and elderly family member. Thus, my neighbors and In-laws don’t step in my Ginger garden and I feel safe. Yes, Rai does special puja called Mangchama/Pitra during its harvest time. In the past, our parents practiced chicken offerings to the deities (Pitri) and enjoyed chicken dish called Wachipa with local brewed alcohol. The end to this bonism practice in our family lately succeeded with fruits and flower offerings in the Puja.  In-fact all casts do some offerings before harvesting any fresh farm products. It is logical to practice the offerings to any deities or most importantly to the Nature in return.

It is one of the most important spices with its magical benefits with very less side effects unless consumed in extra dose. It is the only spice that would make farmer harvest with zero loss in the product harvest. It is safe from the danger of any pests or animals or human theft as per the Rai’s mythology. They can harvest twice, the main ginger root called Mau and the fresh product. The Mau which is still fresh and healthy are harvested after it gives strong shoots with it young ones around. The matured fresh roots are harvested after it attains the harvest period normally by the Autumn season. The Mau roots can be taken out in Summer that are sown in the Spring. The young shoots get its weeds off and rich top soil around for the good harvest.

So, farmers you have right choice of spice to be produced in large scale. Anyone can try in their kitchen garden for consumption and see the magic of your organic product. Self Sufficiency must start from the individual house not at the National level.

Self Sufficient Me!
The harvest from my Kitchen Garden!


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