The Red Dot


I was born out of it,

Why should I run away from it now?

I was clinging firmly on the strong walls of the uterus,

Travelling through the fallopian tube after the great union of my parents’ love!


Why Should I discriminate it now?

By chance of my own being in the process of another life,

Am I not selfish to the women I owe much as a legitimate creator?

It’s all about breaking down of unlucky potential life not a taboo blood stain!


No man experiences the pain,

The woman goes through every cycle without any complain.

Yet many ignore and distant them rather than giving them comfort.

The society at large still believe that they are dirty to prepare food or enter temple!


Let us not fool ourselves,

In the beliefs of unhygienic minds of the hyenic nature,

That came out of uneducated dominating minds towards women,

For we ought to teach our younger generation to respect woman for better future!


My dear girls and women,

You all can cook as long you don’t feel sick or tired.

Gone are the days you all had to hide your face for a week in your first period,

All you need to do is maintain hygiene and roam free in your house with siblings!


It is the power of women,

That men have mistaken as her weakness for ages,

The true colour of all lives the Red Dot had been concealed in the fake green,

The world need to awake the unawakened to see the beauty of life in its serene!


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