The Fading Love


Thou art my lucky star,

I was constantly gazing at you,

From the crowd of buzzing lovers afar,

And I finally found you there smiling in a queue!


Thy beauty in my eyes,

Was an immortal image to behold,

For thou became the love of my choice,

And I shall cherish our bond of love truly bold!


Thy love sparkle in darkest,

Throughout the journey of our brief life,

Alas my love in the voyage drifted to the farthest,

Leaving me all alone all over again myself to strive!


I need thy lost love,

To embrace my solitary waiting soul,

And bring back those intimate romance alive,

For I need thy love for the rest of my life to be blissful!


Keep me in thy love green,

Not just in special occasions once a year,

But all day all night passionate that could have been,

For I yearn for never fading love with my eyes filled in tears!


Talk to me my love,

Walk with me under the moonlit night,

Love me tonight to the merging soul I dissolve,

For I need you my love in every pulse of my inner sight!


I need thy same love,

The same charm thou gave me at first,

For I need you to be my lucky star all time above,

And keep counting on thy love till I breathe my last!


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